Sonarr isn’t grabbing torrent files until quite a while after they’ve been added. For example if I look up a show on sonarr that I know has been aired and I can see the torrent available on the tracker itself, but a manual search in sonarr will say that it has been added “-XXX” mins ago, i.e a negative number.
This means it isn’t automatically grabbing it until that “-XXX” goes past 0. Im fair sure this isnt a delay profile issue as i have left that as 0 or 1 mins and it still happens. What is giving sonarr the wrong time? It is mainly happening for me with , used through jackett.
Setting a delay of 1 would make it wait until its 1 minute old, obviously a problem with RSS items that report a negative age. Setting it to 0 will disable the delay completely, so items with a negative age should be grabbed immediately.
Check that the timezone and Daylight Savings Time are set properly as that could cause the age to be off as it wouldn’t match UTC properly.
Probably worth reporting to the Jackett team to see if they have any ideas.