Search failures

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Ubuntu 20.04, Docker linuxserver/sonarr:preview
Debug logs:

[Info] NzbSearchService: Searching 1 indexers for [The Expanse : S05]
[Info] DownloadDecisionMaker: No results found
[Info] SeriesSearchService: Series search completed. 0 reports downloaded.

Description of issue:
I’m not getting results for some shows. Example above.

Using BTN via Jackett, categories:

Category Description
5000 TV
5030 TV/SD
5040 TV/HD
138829 1080i
140388 1080p
133079 2160p
147970 720p
125963 Portable Device
159599 SD

I have the indexer in Sonarr set to support the following categories:


Searching using Jackett directly and selecting 5000, 5030, and 5040 with the string “The Expanse”, I get results, no issues.

Based on the log, the exact string being searched I assume is “The Expanse : S05”, which does indeed fail when searching via Jackett, but I’m not familiar enough with Sonarr to answer that myself.

Any help/guidance appreciated. I’m still new to setting up this software stack and I may be missing something real obvious.


Why? Sonarr supports BTN directly.

You need to look at the ((debug logs)) to see exactly what was searched.

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