[Scene Naming] Get Krack!n - TV Series

Regarding the recent entries on the form for the series Get Krack!n…

It’s currently not going to work the way it is. I have made a request to delete the ‘bad’ entry and according to thetvdb rules the one with the lower id will ‘win’ and become the correct entry. Since that lower numbered one is actually spelled correctly I think we can consider it the original or master.

For reference

https://www.thetvdb.com/series/get-krack-n - 324152 - Correct, should be kept

https://www.thetvdb.com/series/get-krackin - 330719 - Should be nuked

My request to thetvdb.com is here - https://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=54804&p=146435#p146435

So that this will work now for the majority of users (those that use the correct entry that will NOT be deleted) can you please remove the entry you made for…

line 367 on the spreadsheet 2/7/2019 21:01:44 330719 Get Krackn Get Krackin Added

in favor of mine:

line 436 3/25/2019 13:55:55 324152 Get Krackn Get Krack!n

since 324152 is the correct series id?

My concern is that based on the other entries in thetvdb.com forum it may take forever to get corrected on their end if at all. And, if we correct it on the sonarr end then all you guys would have to do is direct folks who post under the ‘bad’ id to change their series id.

Also, is there someway to remap this locally in the meantime? I am not sure why sonarr has taken up the banner to do all this. (I have a feeling this is an already dead horse but this is my first time in these forums.)

There is not.

Two reasons:

  1. Fixing it once fixes it for everyone
  2. Troubleshooting, it’s difficult enough to figure out why something isn’t matching without someone throwing a wrench in the works with an alias on the wrong series conflicting with one or more other series, especially with similarly named series.

I’ve updated the alias to the lower TVDB ID and pointed the duplicate at the original (in skyhook) which should eliminate the duplicates as far as Sonarr is concerned. We’ll have to see what they do and hopefully it’s exactly as they describe.

Thank you, good sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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