Safe to delete fanart in Windows\Sonarr folder?

All my media is on it’s own drive on my computer. All in “O:” which is an internal hard drive. All the media already has the fan-art and media covers inside the folder containing the episodes/movies. I see no point in having the fan-art and media covers inside my OS drive folder as well as inside my media drive folders. Is it safe to delete the ProgramData\Sonarr\MediaCover files? Do I risk messing anything up from doing it? Or does Sonarr need these files?
Also if I am advised to not delete them and keep them:
Would hard-linking them pose a risk in Sonarr working properly?

Is it safe to delete fanart from:

I would also delete Radarr’s as well, once I get an answer that it is okay.

Those are the files Sonarr uses for the UI, if you delete them it’ll redownloaded them when it refreshes. To add, don’t delete them, it’s a waste of time and resources.

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