rTorrent support

I just found out what my problem was a second ago.

My conf/plugins.ini needed this:

enabled = no

Thought I had it already, but it was a different variable. :slight_smile:

Edit: rutorrent/plugins/rpc/rpc.php worked also. Thanks!

I’m not sure what’s going on at this point I’ve tried everything in this thread and now I’m getting:

Unknown exception: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure

name: ruTorrent
enable: yes
port: 8050
url base: rutorrent/plugins/rpc/rcp.php
use ssl: no

My .rtorrent.rc
scgi_port = localhost:8050

I tried to modify both plugin.conf files:



enabled = no

@PnoT, is your rutorrent webui on port 80? If so, have you tried it? It’s what I have working atm.

Host: localhost
Port: 80
URL Base: rutorrent/plugins/rpc/rpc.php
SSL: no

I re-removed the httprpc no from my file.

With the httprpc option set to no, the default URL Base (RPC2) option worked.

derp da derp

I was thinking the port was the scgi_port entry… 80 does work smacks head

Thanks Sek0n

Np, Glad it helped :slight_smile:

I’ve tested rtorrent using the rpc and the httprpc plugins in ruTorrent and both have worked for me. Sonarr successfully added a torrent and imported it after completion, using each plugin. Note that you should only have one of these plugins installed at a time, never both.

The host and port settings are for your web server that is hosting rutorrent. So if it’s on the same box as Sonarr, this will usually work (depending on your web server setup): localhost and port 80.

The unique part for the plugins is the URL Base. For the RPC and HTTPRPC plugins respectively, use these paths (modified if you set up your rutorrent in a different web path):



I’m having trouble getting rTorrent to work on my Sonarr installation on my QNAP NAS. I installed the package from here. I had to install an older version of Qmono to get Qsonarr to update. Currently I’m on Qmono version 3.10 if that makes any difference with this.

In my Sonarr settings I have the following:

host: localhost
port: 6009
url base: /ui/rutorrent/plugins/httprpc/action.php
username: filled
password: filled

The error that I get is “Unknown exception: not found”

If I change the port to the scgi port of 5000 with everything else kept the same, I get this error: “Unknown exception: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure”

Don’t know what’s missing…

In my SickRAGE settings I have the settings like this (it’s just one field):

“rTorrent host:port”: scgi://localhost:5000/rutorrent/plugins/httprpc/action.php

Thanks for the consideration!

The httprpc plugin might not be available on your ruTorrent. Based on your error, it seems you have the correct host and port, but the url base doesn’t match any file. Try using the rpc plugin.

I see. Thanks for the response. Though I had to install the plugin manually to get it to work for the SICKRage installation. I have it enabled and can check it on my rutorrent webgui and it’s the reason why I can get SICKRage and BarMagnet (iOS App) working.

It’s my belief that it’s something else though. Possibly my own user error. I sincerely appreciate your consideration!

This plugin is great, it couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I am wondering if there are any plans on make a setting available to set the destination folder. As of right now the downloads get saved in the root of the download folder specified in rtorrent.

That should be controlled by the category you set in Sonarr.

That’s what I thought but for some reason for Sonarr it’s not working. At least not for me. I am using the default rutorrent that my provider has installed. I think I might try updating rutorrent and see if that has any affect.

Update: I updated rutorrent and now I see how I can get Sonarr’s downloads to go to the right folder by using autotools to move and append torrents label. In the previous version I was using, rutorrent didn’t give the option to append the torrent label with autotools. I still think it would be nice to just have the ability to specify location from sonarr like other popular apps that make use of rtorrent.

I would also like to be able to configure the download directory in the Sonarr settings.

@sea3pea0 @xombiemp You set this in rtorrent, specify paths based on categories. Unless you are wanting different categories for different shows?

I use rutorrent and there is no way to do that. With the autotools plugin you can set a label automatically based on the download directory but not the other way around. (As far as I know)
If you are talking about putting something in the rtorrent.rc file to accomplish this I’d rather have it a setting in Sonarr.

@larsjohnsen Also, I tried to see if I could get the Remove function of completed download handling to work. I grabbed a torrent and let it finish downloading so it’s status was reporting as Seeding in ruTorrent. I push the pause button so it’s status was Pausing and let it sit for a few minutes. Then I pushed the stop button so it’s status was Finished and waited a few minutes. The torrent was never deleted. I would expect that on the Finished status Sonarr would delete the torrent from ruTorrent when that Remove option is enabled.

I found this which has an example of what we would need to put in rtorrent.rc to make torrents automagically placed in folders corresponding to their labels. I haven’t tried this yet, though I will when I get the chance. I do think it makes sense to have the setting in sonarr though.

@xombiemp In the version of auto tools I have you can use auto move and select append torrent label. If you don’t have that option you may need to get a more recent version of the plugin.

I update ruTorrent from git regularly so I’m aware of the option you are referencing. That actually modifies the complete directory by appending the label to the path that it moves it to on completion, and does not affect the download directory.

The link you referenced does the same thing, just with rtorrent.rc scripts rather than the Autotools plugin.

The main reason I think the download directory should be set within sonarr, is because if you use autotools or modify the rtorrent.rc, this affects all torrents that download. As far as I know there is no way to make the changes so it just affects the tv-sonarr label at least not without something complicated. When I set up autotools to move the files where I want them, I had to change settings in couchpotato and headphones to accomodate for the torrents being moved by autotools. Since couchpotato let’s you set destination folder, I had that set in couchpotato to put downloads in ***/movie/. When I set autotools to move the files to xxx/[label]/ I ended up with downloads from couchpotato going to ***/movie/movie/ so I had to change the destination folder in couchpotato to just download to default folder and let autotools put it in ***/movie/.

For some reason torrents that I download through sonarr/rtorrent aren’t being downloaded to the correct location. I have multiple watch folders set up so that torrents download into the correct download folder based off of watch label, i.e. tv, movies, games, etc. I set the category for rtorrent in sonarr as “series” but it’s not downloading to torrents/data/series. It’s downloading to torrents/data. How does the category work exactly in the rtorrent settings within sonarr? Seems like it’s the label but it’s not working how labels are supposed to work. Hopefully my question makes sense. Help please? :slight_smile: