Root folder will not add back

Sonarr version
Mono version 6.12.0:
Manjaro KDE:
Debug logs:
Had a root folder of /mnt/Downloads/Torrents/ and now I don’t and can’t add it back.:

Today I went to add “Masters Of The Universe: Revelations” to Sonarr and get what you see in the screenshot. I then went to Media Management and noticed My root fold is no longer listed, and when I click to add a root folder I get the dialog box, type the location, click ok and the root folder isn’t added back. I’m out of ideas on how to fix the issue, some help fixing this would be greatly appreciated.


Please see the wiki link in the forum post template that you ignored. Logs won’t be downloaded nor will people bother to go through entire log files to find an issue.

With that said this is always permissions/paths/ownerships

The only way a root folder is removed is by a user or via the API by a user or application the user configured to remove a root folder

No matter how the root folder disappeared since Sonarr already had permission to access that folder there should be no issue in adding it back and or changing it, especially since the permissions for the partition / folder it was pointed to have not changed. The fact that there is a issue adding a root folder back is a Sonarr issue. Secondly having or not having a root folder should have NOTHING to do with the ability to add new shows to Sonarr. Some of us just use Sonarr to grab and download and nothing else, so in this case all sonarr is doing is grabbing the file and passing it to the download client and nothing more. Sonarr witrh all it’s features for automating everything is great, don’t get me wrong there but for some of us we do not need all the feature because of the way we handle our files. New as for how I deal with permissions is by installing kde-servicemenus-rootactions, rightclicking in the folder I want full permission in, selecting ownership to active user from the root actions menu. I should never have to open a terminal to fix permissions. Now is there a way to get Sonarr to go ahead and add a show with out the root folder being selected?

Some of us just use Sonarr to grab and download and nothing else, so in this case all sonarr is doing is grabbing the file and passing it to the download client and nothing more.

Then I assume you have completed download handling disabled and are living with the permanent healthcheck?


Series cannot be added without a root folder as that is literally where you add the series to.

Now is there a way to get Sonarr to go ahead and add a show with out the root folder being selected?

Nope never will be.

No matter how the root folder disappeared since Sonarr already had permission to access that folder there should be no issue in adding it back and or changing it, especially since the permissions for the partition / folder it was pointed to have not changed.

Partition has nothing to do with it.

Bottom line if sonarr is saying it cannot access the folder you’re trying to add as your library/root folder then sonarr cannot access it. This is just about always permissions and ownership issues which users always claim it’s perfect / nothing changed and are never right. Why are you blaming software for your setup issues?

If by health check you mean the message about enabling download handling then yes, but it’s not like it pops up a notification.

Having a root folder when everything is automated makes sense, when Sonarr’s job is done after it hands the file off to the download client a root fold makes no sense.

As for permissions NOTHING else is having a issue with that folder, only Sonarr is. So again that screams a Sonarr issue.

It’s not a Sonarr issue as Sonarr has no control over what it can or cannot access.

The issue is plain and simple 1) you cannot add a series without assigning it a root folder and 2) you cannot add a root folder without the user Sonarr is running as having Read/Write access to the folder.

So far all you’ve done is claimed you changed nothing and somehow Sonarr magically had an update that makes it unable to see folders it has permissions to…and yet you’re the only person this is occurring for…so it’s clearly an issue with your environment and your permissions…just like it is every single time users claim their setup and permissions are perfect and Sonarr has a bug/is lying/etc. every single one of those users either realizes the issue is theirs and fixes it…later admitting “oh yeah I did change X” or refuses to accept reality, wrongly blames the app, and storms off in a huff never to be heard from again nor ever fixing their problem.

You’ve also shared 0 logs, what user/group sonarr is running as, or ls - lha of anything as well.

Lying isn’t going to get you anywhere. I have seen plenty of post with issues about the root folder. As for not sharing logs the hell I didn’t. Maybe if your forum would actually allow for files to be added I would of uploaded them here instead of wormhole.

Lying isn’t going to get you anywhere. I have seen plenty of post with issues about the root folder.

Man you really love projecting and yes every single one is always user or system configuration issues, never a Sonarr issue

Wormhole link has no files on it.

Nor did you follow the directions for how to share files.

Nor have you provided any information relating to anything you claim at all.

Let’s see

  • systemctl cat of the sonarr service
  • ls -lha of the root folder you’re trying to add
  • upload the logs in the manner noted in the form template via gist/0bin etc - hint: no one will bother to download random log files AND you don’t need all 3 files. See the wiki that explains log files.

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