Hi There!
Been using Sonarr for about a week now - it’s amazing as hell and I’m recommending it to others already.
I’ve been wondering though if it is possible to include a Folder / Show renamer tool / feature.
This is more for existing shows really.
The Flash
I add it as an existing show > the first result is the old version of the show.
I click ‘more’ to set the 2014 version.
If the folder was already named correctly, i.e. The Flash (2014), then it would have got the right result of course.
I would really like it If I could easily rename all the show folders based on this format.
So when I add ‘The Flash’, it gets renamed to 'The Flash (2014)'
Similar with other shows, ‘24’ for example would be ‘24 (2001)’
Maybe some options on what the folder is renamed to in the settings?
Perhaps this could be part of the ‘Organise’ button too?
Sorry if I have written this poorly! ><
And Thanks for the great application - I love it!
Sounds like this would cover it: https://trello.com/c/fcECCf7r/887-series-editor-option-to-update-series-folder-name
24 is the official title, we show the year for all search results though.
There is already an option for choosing the series folder format in the naming settings (advanced setting).
This is more of an organisational issue for me - for example, I name all my movie folders by ‘[movie name] ([movie year])’.
At this point it’s worth saying the sort title (title in media centres) and organisational name (path / folder name) are different.
For the TV show 24, I get that ‘24’ is the official title, but I would still like to name the folder '24 (2001)'
This would be nice for future shows that may also have the same name as a show from previous years.
Side Note:
That Trello Card looks about right…
Is it better to comment / vote in Trello that it is to comment here on the forum?
Definitely vote on it, comment wise, if you feel like we’re missing something on it comment. Including the year is beyond the scope of that particular card, we’ll have to make a different one for it.
Edit: series year renaming token: https://trello.com/c/Ljb46tMC/888-series-year-rename-token
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That’s fantastic, thank-you very much