Retry Attempt Issue

It appears that the issue has been resolved I moved my TEMP directory away from my flexraid drive and onto my dedicated C drive my nzbs are now retrying.

Having some issues once again with the retry.

Just did a fresh windows and drone install on a retry it will attempt but failed almost one minute after.

I had it working well prior to the format only thing that might be different is an updated version on SAB 0.7.19 Iā€™m running master of drone at the moment.

Iā€™ll post some logs shortly

A retry will retry the exact same release in an attempt to get around propagation issues. It failing again isnā€™t something that can be avoided, its a completely valid scenario. Your previous issue was an issue with SAB, this time around it sounds like an issue with propagation (either a bad nzb or a delay on your server getting the parts).

After the grace period expires if its still failing it will look for another release.

Please edit your posts instead of adding a second reply immediately.

Alright however I am noticing that while itā€™s in the middle of the retry attempts after about the 2-3 retry (I have it set to retry 5 times before blacklisting) if I manually grab the nzb using drone it will work!?

That shouldnā€™t be an issue. You could also fail that release feom Sonarrā€™s history (or remove it from SAB).

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The problem is on retry it appears to fail 5 times but once the nzb is added manually to Sab using drone it seems to download fine so the nab appears to be fine??

Sounds like your indexer released an incomplete nzb because they had propagation issues. They probably released an nzb with the same name a few minutes later to correct this, but currently it would have been blacklisted by Sonarr (something weā€™ll be looking at in the future).

That is probably itā€¦however I have noticed it on almost all nbzs that fail on first attempt.

When an nzb fails it keeps the .nzb file on my system is there anyway I can compare that nzb to another one to verify that it has been reposted?

Iā€™ll keep an eye on the next few releases that fail.

You have to get the two nzbs and compare, you can get the URL for the grabbed nzb from Sonarrā€™s history.

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I will try that in the next failure and report back thanks!

Hey Markus,

So had a similar occurrence last night with SOA.
FailedDownloadService [Sons.of.Anarchy.S07E11.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD] Download Failed, waiting for retry interval to expire. 12:43am
ļ„© FailedDownloadService [Sons.of.Anarchy.S07E11.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD] Download Failed, initiating retry attempt 4/5. 12:42am

It tried 5 times to retry in about an hour each time after the first retry it fails exactly 1 minute apart from the attempt.

I got the nzb ID from the history in sonnar did a manual search shortly after noticed the nzb ID is still posted and is the exact same release sonnar tried 5 times on retry. I manually pushed it to my SAB and it worked.

Very weird.

EDIT: I am not sure if this information is useful but the .nzb.gz file in the sab temp folder is only 28KB where as the nzb I grabbed manually is 243KB

You got the exact same nzb from the same indexer and it worked? If thats the case Iā€™d be curious if the content changed (perhaps the indexer updated it), if the content is the exact same then its likely that SAB doesnā€™t actually retry anything (in some cases Iā€™ve seen the retry go straight to post processing queue in history, instead of back to the queue), Iā€™m not sure under which circumstances it does that.

There is a lot of uncertainty and guess work here, delaying the grabs (via the profile) and disabling retry is probably the best bet.

Are you comparing the size of an nzb to a gzipped nzb? Iā€™d expect them to be quite different in that case. Could you PM me both the nzbs? I want to take a look. Also which indexer was this?

Indexer is I will send you the files by PM.

Correct I went into sonnar grabbed the URL with the NZB ID and pulled it manually and it worked.

Thanks for all your help so far. Just frustrating had it all working perfectly and then had to install on a fresh system and came across this issue.

Did you upgrade SAB during that move? I donā€™t remember this same behavior in older versions of SAB.

Changing systems wouldnā€™t have caused any of this on its own, could be something changed or it was bound to happen.

Just before formatting and starting fresh I know my version of SAB was 0.7.18 I am now on 0.7.19.

It tells SAB to retry to nzb, not sure what mechanism they use, but it appears to skip retrying of any parts and just try to post process it again.

The issue appears to be related to propagation and how SAB retries nzbs (it doesnā€™t seem to retry the download, just the post processing). Propagation is the underlying issue, because your provider hasnā€™t yet gotten all the files when the nzb is grabbed and sent to SAB, so it fails. Retrying in SAB doesnā€™t attempt to grab any of the files that previously failed, making it pretty useless in this case. You be best off with a delay in the profile to delay the grab and disabling retrying. Right now the delay is hour. but weā€™ll likely be switching it to minutes to allow it to be used for propagation issues.

Thanks for the info.

I had sonnar setup with these same indexers everything worked perfectly usually it would fail but on first retry the nzb would complete. Something must have changed with the indexer posting. I just went back to SAB 0.7.18 I know that is probably not the cause but willing to give it a try anyways. I also have my RSS set to 10 minutes if I push it up it may help or even an hour.

Iā€™ll report back what I come across I really never got why the indexers donā€™t put a restriction on the nzbs to go live once they are fully uploaded 100%.

It is possible that its complete on the indexerā€™s usenet provider, but not yours, they have no way of knowing whether or not its complete on yours.

nzbget has a setting to delay newly posted nzb for X minutes before attempting the download.

Interested maybe I will give that a go are they accepting new accounts?

Sorry was confused there itā€™s another nzb client.

Any eta on having the delay set in minutes?