Restarted nzbdrone and it deleted Sons of Anarchy

No idea what happened, but today I restarted my server and checked my activity monitor and noticed it deleted the entire Series. No idea why…

The only thing I did notice is that the first two episodes it started to pull again state “series title mismatch”, so I am wondering if something happened where it got confused, thought all the titles were wrong and deleted them.

Let me know if there is anything I can do or try.

Deleted from where?

Its unclear whether the series was removed from Sonarr or the downloading episodes were. Without basic info like the version of Sonarr and which download client and logs its pretty hard to say whats going on.

Sonarr doesn’t remove items from download clients unless it imports the file(s) from a completed download

Admittedly I panicked a bit. Nzbdrone was showing in the activity log that it was deleting episodes. When scanning, it was not able to see the files so I immediately thought they were gone from the disk.

When the initial panick finally wore off I went to the disk itself and saw the files were still there. I then noticed on the nzbdrone system the mounted folder permissions were jacked. So I stopped everything, fixed the permissions and restarted nzbdrone. Upon starting, it was once again able to see the files and nzbdrone added them back to the Db.

I was really thrown off when I saw the delete statement. But in the end everything turned out Ok, so we can close this out as solved and file it under panicked user thinking his files are gone before actually verifying if they are really deleted from disk.

Ahh, I understand now, Sonarr was removing them from its database because the files appeared to be deleted.

Thanks for clarifying.

Exactly and at the time of the post, all I saw was deleting and I thought it meant off the disk like when it delete one download for a higher quality one. I panicked