Research crash/hang after interactive search in multiple tabs (i.e. >6-8) #Sockets #HTTP2

Sonarr version (exact version): via Docker
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: macOS 12.3.1 (21E258)
Debug logs: if relevant then please request
Description of issue: see below


Hope you’re well

Thanks for amazing software

Steps to reproduce issue

  1. Open new tab
  2. Visit series
  3. Do an episode interactive search
  4. Repeat steps 1-3

Unexpected behaviour

After about 5 tabs Sonarr’s UI hangs and I lose the ability to load any more Sonarr tabs without restarting the app

Expected behaviour

Do multiple interactive searches for all episodes in a typical season; to complete in the background


I’ve inspected logs but nothing obviously insightful. If relevant then please request.


If I try to load new Sonarr tabs while it’s, seemingly, crashed then I get the following browser error:


Visiting vivaldi://net-internals/#sockets and “flushing socket pools” immediately fixes things

Is this a Sonarr issue or a browser issue or both, what’s going on and how can it be fixed?

I did think it was because I was using the “all” jackett API call (sorry, I’m lazy right now :weary:) but I tried with a single indexer and exact same issue

Welcome feedback/input

If you have any issues (e.g. questions/queries) then happy to help

Keep up amazing work :kissing_heart:

Hope this helps and to hear back


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Browsers limit the number of concurrent connections to a single server, in Chrome last I looked this limit was 3, this applies across different tabs in the browser as well.

With 5+ manual searches going off, each one will open a long term connection to the webserver to wait for results, since you’re exceeding the maximum of 3 the additional requests will be queued by the browser, but the 3 open connections will block any other network request to the Sonarr backend from executing as well, which means new tabs won’t load and any existing tabs won’t be able to navigate to new pages.

It sounds like Vivaldi can’t queue more requests to the Sonarr backend because it’s reached some sort of internal limit mostly due to the long running search requests or the fact that they’re long running is maybe the issue in itself, but the only workaround I can suggest is don’t do what you’re attempting to do.

[…] the only workaround I can suggest is don’t do what you’re attempting to do







Can anyone running Sonarr on HTTPS emulate my issue?

Hope to hear back


Assuming Mono (seems HTTP2 support arrived ~2017) handles Sonarr’s web server stuff, I’m starting to think my issue is fixable with some Docker deployment enhancements (e.g. http > https)…?

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