Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Windows 7 ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): and Description of issue:
recently i’m getting the following error: Request Failed: Unable to connect to Deluge, please check your settings
but i’m using uTorrent.
but it isn’t sending anything to the uTorrent client.
When going to download client and doing a test with uTorrent it gives a okay.
a little update,
the uTorrent client runs on a vmware client with a bridged nic.
sonarr runs on the host.
even when i reboot the client it still errors out,
but the test to utorrent works.
when i shutdown the client and change the mac adres so it retrieves a complete new ip-address and i change those settings in sonarr all works for a few hours sometimes almost a day.
but then same result.
in vmware i mapped the harddrive to a local disk (what means that it used the same drive/folder for the share)
so the vmware client saves the files to “D:\utorrent\download\TV” and the host can access the file with the same path.
and why does it error out with a deluge error ?
about the error logs:
the first error log is a copy paste from the error i see in sonarr.
the second debug log i copied from the sonarr.debug.txt but i cleaned the log just before i press the manual send to client.
it was to big to paste completely in pastebin or hastebin
“It looks like the error messages were copied and pasted so they were wrong.” Someone literally copied the error message from Deluge so it said Deluge instead of uTorrent, it will be fixed in the next release.
When you test the uTorrent connection in Sonarr it checks the version and as long as it connects and its not an old version of uTorrent it passes, queuing the torrent hits the same API with a different request, but that request times out, either the request hit uTorrent and it times out or given your followup message maybe it doesn’t reach it at all, but it fails after Sonarr sends the request (outside of Sonarr).