Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Win10 Pro
((Debug logs)): these are the only lines for it
16-9-10 18:11:04.9|Debug|RootFolderService|Generating list of unmapped folders
16-9-10 18:11:04.9|Debug|RootFolderService|1 unmapped folders detected.
Description of issue: I am trying to remove old root folders that do not exist. I am doing that under import existing episodes from disk as I believe that’s where it is done. Problem is it is taking forever to load the paths. It took some time via the API, but I did get a result, but via the frontend I waited for 10mins and got nothing but the waiting indicator. With Dev tools open I see this.
SignalR: [connecting] SignalRBroadcaster.js:32 SignalR: [connected] backbone.signalr.mixin.js:15 sync received, re-fetching collection backbone.marionette.js:465 Uncaught ItemViewContainerMissingError: The specified
itemViewContainerwas not found: .x-root-folders throwError @ backbone.marionette.js:465 getItemViewContainer @ backbone.marionette.js:1827 appendHtml @ backbone.marionette.js:1810 renderItemView @ backbone.marionette.js:1631 addItemView @ backbone.marionette.js:1600 addChildView @ backbone.marionette.js:1481 triggerEvents @ backbone.js:206 trigger @ backbone.js:146 _onModelEvent @ backbone.js:933 triggerEvents @ backbone.js:207 trigger @ backbone.js:147 set @ backbone.js:726 options.success @ backbone.js:855 fire @ jquery.js:3148 fireWith @ jquery.js:3260 done @ jquery.js:9314 callback @ jquery.js:9718 jquery.js:9664 GET…%3D%3D&messageId=d-41AC9EAF-G%2C1CAB%7CJ%2C0%7CK%2C0&tid=4&_=1473545426820 504 (Gateway Time-out) send @ jquery.js:9664 ajax @ jquery.js:9215 $.ajax @ jquery.ajax.js:21 poll @ jquery.signalR.js:1666 success @ jquery.signalR.js:1713 fire @ jquery.js:3148 fireWith @ jquery.js:3260 done @ jquery.js:9314 callback @ jquery.js:9718 SignalRBroadcaster.js:32 SignalR: [reconnecting] SignalRBroadcaster.js:32 SignalR: [connected]