Hi, I have recently switched from SR. Very satisfied with overlook look and functionality. Just one thing bugging me. I dont like tv show year in folder or episode titles. For ex Castle (2009) How do I achieve that?
some shows, like Castle, will or at least SHOULD always have the year in them. that is how they get matched on TVDB. The year is included in the name on that site. I can tell you that most of mine do not have the year in the name.
The ability to edit the show name would be nice. My tvshow.nfo has the tvdb id and original name anyways. So recognizing the show isn’t a problem for Kodi etc. And Once the show is added into Sonarr, it shouldn’t matter either right? I just hate file names this long.
Editing the series title isn’t something we’re considering, but we plan to support specifying the year even if the series doesn’t have it, in addition that would likely bring support for specifying a series title with a year.
One issue would be if the series title without year was used for the series folder as that could cause two series to be pointed at the same directory.
Cool, thanks for your reply. I dont have much idea about inner workings of sonarr, so can’t suggest. It’s been a year though since the issue was opened.
There is not an automatic way, but to do it manually, you can change the folder name on your server/computer and edit the series to point to the new folder.
My Show folder already doesn’t have year included. That was how I kept it in SR. I havent yet renamed those shows in Sonarr. I guess file names will have year anyways even if the folder name doesnt…
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