Remove old / complete shows

Hi guys

excellent software :slight_smile:
I recently pushed it to its limits, and are having poor performance on one of my low power machines ( HP Mircroserver).- basically it tries to refresh the full episode list and match it with whats on disc every 24 hours, but there is 1100 shows with about 60,000 :smiley: ,episodes which seems to take quite some time to refresh (and runs the HP to 100 % for all the time)

I tried removing the monitored status for all ā€œendedā€ shows last night, but it doesnā€™t seem to exclude the show from the refresh que.

Is there a way to change the daily refresh to a weekly/monthly occurrence? (or make it manual)
Is there a way where i can delete all ā€œendedā€ shows from the database? ( eg preferably a 3rd party interface, as deleting 1 by one through the GUI is going to take forever

Thank you

good luck with the development!

Wow! Thats an insane number. I imagine it takes longer to refresh than the the scheduled time (12 hours), and likely causes issues beyond just that.

Depending on the number of ended shows it might be quicker to start from scratch, as there isnā€™t a way to mass remove multiple shows, not even something I had considered. You could get the list of all their series and the ids for them from the DB and then make a call to the API to delete them, you would need to make 1 request for each series, but it would be much faster.

You would need to make a delete request to /api/series/{id} to do it that way.

We do plan on making ended shows update less frequently at some point, likely monthly:

Thank you for your dedication in answering all the questions :slight_smile:

can you please point me in the direction where more info on the API could be found?


Unfortunately thats the one thing weā€™re really behind on.

Specifically for series you can use:

GET /api/series - get all the series
GET /api/series/{id} - get the series with the specified id
DELETE /api/series/{id} - delete the series with the specified id

You can also do POST and PUT to add/update series, but a number of parameters are required for POST and PUT would take the full series and apply it to the existing.

Let me know if you need more info.

thank you for the update ( hope it will help someone )

i figured that i need a rather specific cirteria of shows - and is thus currently biting the bullet, and using the GUI to manage- i deleted all the completed stopped shows ( hopefully a show once stopped donā€™t start againā€¦)

Currently on 435 shows where 281 is active ,25589 Episodes - so less than 50% than original.

would still like a more feasible approach to refreshing - considering that all episodes that is passed into the ā€œdatabaseā€ is passed via nzbdrone, i donā€™t think an automated refresh if needed at all. manual refresh and maybe a monthly automated refresh on old shows and weekly on new shows should be more than ok.

Depend on the show if it will start up again, take Arrested Development for example, it was years before it was picked up again.

The refresh does two things, updates the info from trakt (series and episode) and then the disk is rescanned. The longest portion of this scan is the refreshing of the data from trakt, for a series with about 100 aired episodes (mid season), that takes less than 6 seconds, number of episodes in the series does effect it though. The disk scan takes less than 1 second.

The disk scan could probably be skipped, but its impact is minimal. The data refresh from trakt is important, because new episode information is synced down, air dates, number of episodes, status (continuing/ended). Even shows that arenā€™t airing are being updated with new information.

One issue with less frequent syncing is shows become out of date and then new episodes arenā€™t added, if episode isnā€™t available when a release is available it is skipped. I had this issue with XBMC and it wouldnā€™t import episodes, because it didnā€™t know about them.

There might be room for improvement in processing time(including less frequent refreshes on ended shows), but I donā€™t see the schedule changing.

Old post, but doesnā€™t seem to be any more on this.

Still no way of deleting multiple shows and their files? Seems simple in theory. Also interested in this. My hand is starting to hurt click all the wrenches and delete then delete files then ok. Ha.