Remove a TVRAGE ID from a Series + all Series

With what appears to be the recent demise of TVRage, is there a way to clear TVRage ID’s from existing shows? The reason I am asking is because from watching debug logs, if the series has one, it will only query the indexers using it. (At least for newznab providers). If the series does not, it uses the series name. The issue is with new series I have added, Sonarr has the TVRage ID, but the Indexer does not, so while they have the episodes, they will not auto download.


Not in a way that they won’t get repopulated the next time the series is refreshed. We’ve talked to a few sites about this issue and there are plans to eliminate this issue, but long term this presents a bigger problem with sites that don’t/won’t update the codebase, mainly with new series, but potentially with older series.

Are the issues you’re see for new series that just started airing or new episodes/seasons of previously aired series?

For my spotweb install it’s both.

Not to sure, but i believe when i first tested some worked, so i think it’s whether there previously was a query against the rid (which added it to the spotweb db)

Markus, thanks for the response. The issues are for new series. I found out what changes are being made / need to be made and am updating the codebase for my personal indexer. Thanks again.

To bad I don’t have the skills to alter my newznab searches.
TVrage had an XML output, TVMaze uses JSON.

Next to altering the URL, I would need to alter the XML retrieval of “showname” to a JSON retrieval of “name”

    $url = '' . $this->getSearchid() . '/';
            list($http_code, $tvrage) = $this->_httpProvider->performCachedGet($url, false, 31 * 24 * 60 * 60);
             if (empty($tvrage)) {
                return $mediaInfo;
            } # if
# fetch remote content
            $dom = new DomDocument();
            $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
            $showTitle = $dom->getElementsByTagName('showname');

Can you share the changes / your JSON query. I’m trying to alter the Spotweb query, but I don’t have any coding skills. I already get most of the needed individual items, but am struggling to tie them into a working chain.

If I have a reference, I might be able to figure it out.

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