Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown Series

Sonarr version:
OS: Windows 10 21h2
Debug logs:
Description of issue:


I tried to add Outlander on Sonarr but every automated search result is rejected for the same reason:

DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown Series

When I do a manual search within Sonarr I can see the show on my tracker. What is happening here?

The show’s title does not contain any special character and it’s named Outlander everywhere I looked.

Other shows have the same issue but most of them are good.

and theres no red circle with an exclamation mark in it when you did the manual search, that when you mouse over says not the correct series?

are you also sure you added it as a “standard” series, not daily or anime?

btw, the all indexer jackett thing isnt supported any more, never really was, youll need to set them up individually. it could be related to that.

There was, but not for all findings, the correct version was there but never started downloading.


There’s only one indexer in there but I’ll have a look.

So is it deliberately broke? I hope so, got tired of seeing peeps with issues because of it.

You should ALWAYS have multiple indexers. Regardless of claims by those that have something to gain by pushing UserNet, torrent indexers are just fine.

I’ve tried to change the Indexer but Automated search isn’t working when you set up IPT individually. At least that’s what the error said. So reverted back to the all indexer jackett thing

Any more ideas someone?

Jackett all is not supported and should not be used.

See the search troubleshooting article

Based on your initial debug logs - you do not have Outlander in Sonarr.

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What do you mean by “do not have it in Sonarr”? I do have it in Sonarr, I mapped it when I imported my library.

Automated search isn’t working when you set up IPT individually, so why would I set it up like that?

Well the logs don’t lie and the logs were clear You do not have Outlander in Sonarr. The logs are not wrong.

2022-03-13 06:21:07.1|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series Outlander
2022-03-13 06:21:07.1|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown Series

Why do you believe that the only way to add Jackett into Sonarr is via the /all endpoint? No where is that documented and everything explicitly says to add each indexer from Jackett into Sonarr separately. You shouldn’t even be able to add the /all endpoint into Sonarr anyway…and you should have a very annoying healthcheck if you do have it in.

The native IPT option only supports RSS correct; so add IPT via Jackett into Sonarr.

define “mapped it”. having a folder doesnt mean anything. can you see outlander as a series in sonarr?

not directly, via jacket, just not using the /all link. use the specific indexer link that jackett generates for it instead. ie follow the instructions on the jackett front page about adding an indexer to sonarr.

I mean, I linked the TV Show in the Library import section to the one that shows up in the search field.

Doing it the way as described on the front page results in:

'Base Url' is not in the correct format.

After some Googling I found out “” works, but results in:

No indexers available with Automatic Search enabled, Sonarr will not provide any automatic search results

Any thoughts?

Yes the thoughts are for you to follow the directions and copy the torznab url for IPT from Jackett and paste it in as the URL for a newly created Torznab indexer in Sonarr as previously instructed several times.

API path is /api and shouldn’t be changed

But again - per the logs - either those logs are from before you added the show or the show you have added is not what you think it is.

i’ve never had to use the import function so im not sure what it does, but essentially can you see the show in sonarr, either from the series listing page, or if you search for the show in sonarr (not an indexer)

in terms of jackett, you need to go to your jackett web page and follow the instructions there - just be careful about adding an anime category if the indexer does not do anime, ie just add a normal category for normal tv

Yes, when I look for the TV Show just like you show in the screenshot and in Sonarr itself, it’ll find it:

Aah, now I get it. Initially, I used this guide: How to Configure Jackett with Sonarr on Windows in 2021 - Smart Home Pursuits. In there it shows the /all in the URL, I was struggling with what you guys meant by that, but now I do understand!

After some suggestions in this thread I tried to add Jackett by using the third option on the Jackett front page:

That resulted in the error I posted: 'Base Url' is not in the correct format.

Now that I added Jackett as you showed on the screenshot there’re no errors and everything looks good. Monday night (CET) there’s a new Outlander episode, let’s see if this fixed my issue from the OP.

Sorry for all the confusion, you’re really helpful. I’ll keep you posted.

Yep, it worked, the /all was the culprit. Thanks, everyone.

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