Release not being imported from Drone folder

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 10 x64
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:

I have a release in the Drone folder and its full path is:

E:\raw\Drone\Marvel’s Daredevil - S02E11 - .380 - [WEBDL-1080p - iON].mp4

For some reason, it is not being imported automatically by Sonarr when the others completed just fine. Please check the logs.

I don’t see anything in the logs saying it was rejected or accepted, just that it was parsed (and that looks fine).

If you try manual import does it reject it for any reason?

Exactly, that was what I noticed also, strange.

How do I manual import if completed download handling is disabled? Only Drone processing is enabled in my end because I’m using cayar’s MP4 conversion script.

Wanted: Missing -> Manual Import

It says invalid season or episode?

So I removed the square brackets in the filename and Sonarr was able to detect the release as a valid one. What’s wrong with the square brackets in the first place?

The anime parser relies on it and a 2 or 3 digit episode number, so it’s likely picking up .380 as absolute episode number 380.

Ok. And why did removing the square brackets change this behavior?

Because squash brackets are an indicator that it could be an anime release (either hash or release group in square brackets at the end), overhauling it so that’s not an issue is on the list, but it’s a pretty major change.

I see. Thanks.

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