Recycling Bin has not been configured - all shows deleted

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Sinology DSM
Debug logs:2023-08-24 09:36:21.9|Info|RecycleBinProvider|Attempting to send ‘/volume1/video/TV Shows/Black-ish’ to recycling bin
2023-08-24 09:36:21.9|Info|RecycleBinProvider|Recycling Bin has not been configured, deleting permanently. /volume1/video/TV Shows/Black-ish
Description of issue: Yesterday Sonarr took it upon itself to delete the majority of my TV shows. No rhyme or reason for it. I hadn’t been using Sonarr - it’s just been ticking away happily for AGES. What the hell happened?!

As usual with these threads: debug logs of the event that says “hi, I’m sonarr and I decided to delete your files”, or it didn’t happen.
People complaining about sonarr deleting files “on its own” can never provide this. Because sonarr never does so on its own. It’s always either user error / 3rd party app configured to manage sonarr, or an insecure sonarr instance which is accessible from outside and people messing around with it.

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I’ve setup Recycle Bin, Prevented Access from the outside and removed 3rd party apps which could have interfered with it. Thanks for the input - appreciate it. Glad to know Sonarr doesn’t do this sort of thing on it’s own.

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