Real-time with Bill Maher

“Real Time With Bill Maher” is searching for episodes using season and episode number (S15E05) but it appears to be listed on trackers using the original air date (2017.02.17).

You need to make sure “Real Time With Bill Maher” is set to type “Daily”

Even after changing the series setting to “Daily”, it appears to search for “Real Time with Bill Maher S15” and finds nothing for the current season.

Interesting - I tried clicking “Search for monitored episodes in this series” and it found nothing. Then i tried the “Automatic Search” button next to each episode, and it worked. Is this normal?

Season or series is likely unmonitored.

It was monitored the whole time. The only difference was searching the entire series for monitored episodes, and performing the automatic search on each episode.

which indexer?

Season searches for daily shows don’t fall back to searching for each episode and there doesn’t seem to be a way to search for them in batches, I think we just need to do the same thing we do for anime and search for each episode individually.

why not add a season daily and season anime search criteria and intelligently simplify/group the query? For most anime that will be a alt-series title search without absnr. For most daily it will be by year alone.

Daily could span multiple years (starts in the fall ends in the spring), but that would be only a couple of API hits (assuming the API is any good), not sure if I tested that already or not.

Anime is a bit tricky if it’s not using an alt-series title for that season (albeit rare).

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