Sonarr version (exact version): OS: Windows 10
I have 2 questions about downloading (with utorrent) and seeding.
I am aware that these are very common questions and should already be answered in the faq or in forums but I could not find a clear answer.
So if someone could assist, I’d really appreciate.
I am using uTorrent as a download client and I want it to continue seeding for 12 hours after download completes. But I also want the file to be available for watching on my Plex server.
I could not find the configuration to do this. Should it be done on uTorrent or Sonarr ?
Currently uTorrent completes the download and then seeding stops immediately and file is copied (not moved) to folder specified on Sonarr.
On uTorrent , I select the folder option “place new downloads to folder…” because I don’t like the default download folder. But after download completes, file remains there. I don’t want to keep the file at that location when it is already copied to the requested folder. In fact, I don’t want “copy” , how can I make it “move” the file ?
See the QuickStart guide and settings page around indexers and download clients for how sonarr works
See the download troubleshooting article for your import issues
It’s 2022 why are you using the malware garbage that is utorrent? Switch to Qbittorrent 4.3.9. 4.4.0 is not supported. 4.4.1 is extremely buggy. 4.4.2 may or may not be okay
Completed files are left in their original location to allow you to seed the file (ratio or time can be adjusted in the download client or from within Sonarr under the specific download client). When files are imported to your media folder Sonarr will hardlink the file if supported by your setup or copy if not hardlinks are not supported.
I am using Windows 10. So, do we have hardlinks in Windows ? (I know there is in Linux but I don’t think on Windows)
If Hardlink is not suportted , it will copy the file.
But when does it remove the file ? I want the file to be removed after some time (12 hours to be specific)
Hardlinks are enabled by default. A hardlink will allow not use any additional disk space. The file system and mounts must be the same for your completed download directory and your media library. If the hardlink creation fails or your setup does not support hardlinks then Sonarr will fall back and copy the file.
In my experience, file stops being seeded right after it is fully downloaded. And then the torrent is removed from download client. And the file is copied (not moved) to the final folder specified in Sonarr.
How shall I make it move the file ? (but after seeding 12 hours)
If the “Completed Download Handling - Remove” option is enabled in Sonarr’s settings, Sonarr will delete the torrent from your client and qsk the client to remove the torrent data, but only if the client reports that seeding is complete and torrent is stopped (paused on completion).
I can’t find that option. “Completed Download Handling - Remove”
where is that setting ?
I am using Windows 10. So, do we have hardlinks in Windows ?
yes - your setup needs to use the same partition/drive
But when does it remove the file ? when the seed goal is hit and the torrent is paused
" * If the “Completed Download Handling - Remove” option is enabled in Sonarr’s settings, Sonarr will delete the torrent from your client and qsk the client to remove the torrent data, but only if the client reports that seeding is complete and torrent is stopped (paused on completion)."
file stops being seeded right after it is fully downloaded
Then you have your download client setup to only leech and not seed presumably with ratios of 0
you also have it configured to remove downloads which you should not do.
How shall I make it move the file ? (but after seeding 12 hours)
You don’t. Seeding torrents are never moved and will never be moved.
(but after seeding 12 hours)
You set your seed goals for 12 hours. Not sure how that’s unclear in the docs…?
I found how to make the file kept on uTorrent seeded after download completes.
My download folder (on download client) and the final folder specified by Sonarr are on the same partition. So hardlinks are supported. How can I verify that ?
Now the file is kept at the same folder where it is downloaded. And I also see it in the folder specified in Sonarr. But is this a hardlink or a copy ? How can I understand ?
(the filename is different because it is standardized by Sonarr)
thanks. it seems to be working with hardlinks. Great.
But then I don’t understand why my HDD starts spinning faster (for a while as if it is writing a huge file) when the download completes.
Anyway. With your help I understood how Sonarr and download client integration works.
Since you suggested using qBittorrent 4.3.9 , I also installed it. But when I add it to Sonarr, it does not allow me if I check “remove torrent” instead of “pause” (after seeding reaches goal)
So does that mean the file will never be removed if I use qBittorrent ?
I don’t wanna keep the file after I watch it and delete from Sonarr.