Question about red exclamation circles - Solved (it imported the file despite language difference in name)

Sonarr version (exact version): Current
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs: n/a
Description of issue: Simple question: I’m currently trying to download an episode of the show 30 for 30 espn show and the title of the episode has “greek” in the name. So Sonarr never even downloaded the file because it thought it was greek language. I see this when I manually search for the file and then hover over the exclamation mark. My question is if I click the download button despite the language not being right will sonarr import it anyways? I see it’s hit the download client but will sonarr follow through on the rest and should I just always manually download over the red exclamations in the future?

also side question: can you point me to the best forum post about getting english dubbed anime? I’ve put tags on the shows I want and I’m still not gettin english copies :frowning:

![2022-02-25_14-28-32|690x214](upload://5GOgAQoF4Rrd0hQ12aLW3O25zKD.png) ![2022-02-25_14-28-32|690x214](upload://5GOgAQoF4Rrd0hQ12aLW3O25zKD.png)

Known issue for episode titles

You’ll likely need to manual import for the same reason. Sonarr does not use media info for audio language

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