Question about building Sonarr on Linux

Sonarr version (exact version): forked the latest develop branch (I’m building as a contributor)
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm). I’m specifically using Github Codespaces.
Description of issue:

I’m following the contributor build instructions on this wiki page (the “Command line” section) :

I run the following commands:

dotnet clean src/Sonarr.sln -c Debug
dotnet msbuild -restore src/Sonarr.sln -p:Configuration=Debug -p:Platform=Posix -t:PublishAllRids

The commands run without errors. I am getting lost on the next step:

"Run the produced executable from /_output"

When I go into the _output directory, I see the following folders:

  • net6.0
  • net6.0-windows
  • Sonarr.Update
  • UI

I then entered the net6.0 folder, then the linux-x86 folder. Inside that folder, I see lots of .dll files. I am looking for a file named Sonarr.Console but I don’t see any such file. The only executable I see is called “ServiceInstall”. When I run that file, I get the following error:

Unable to find Sonarr.Console.exe in the current directory.

I would appreciate any help you can offer. I would really like to get Sonarr running on Github Codespaces. Thank you.

The problem seems to have resolved itself. I started with a brand new Github Codespaces instance and ran the same commands. This time, in the _output/net6.0/linux-x86 folder I do see an executable file named “Sonarr”. When I run this file, the backend server does start.

I am now running into a different problem which I may post about in a different thread.