QSonarr crash after startup

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
Debug logs:

[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSonarr3] # /opt/Qmono/bin/mono /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSonarr3/Sonarr/Sonarr.exe /data=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/SONARR3_CONFIG
[Info] Bootstrap: Starting Sonarr - /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSonarr3/Sonarr/Sonarr.exe - Version
[Info] AppFolderInfo: Data directory is being overridden to [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/SONARR3_CONFIG]
[Info] Router: Application mode: Interactive
[Info] MigrationLogger: *** Migrating data source=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/SONARR3_CONFIG/sonarr.db;cache size=-10000;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***
[Info] MigrationLogger: *** Migrating data source=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/SONARR3_CONFIG/logs.db;cache size=-10000;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***
[Info] OwinHostController: Listening on the following URLs:
[Info] OwinHostController:   http://*:8989/
[Info] SonarrBootstrapper: Starting Web Server
[Warn] MonoDebugCheck: Mono is not running with --debug switch
[Info] RssSyncService: Starting RSS Sync
[Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Attack on Titan
[Info] DiskScanService: Scanning Attack on Titan
[Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Attack on Titan

        Native Crash Reporting
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

        Native stacktrace:
        0x4b76e2 - /opt/Qmono/bin/mono : (null)
        0x4b7a3c - /opt/Qmono/bin/mono : (null)
        0x464046 - /opt/Qmono/bin/mono : (null)
        0x4b0d64 - /opt/Qmono/bin/mono : (null)
        0x7fba829262d9 - /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Qmono/lib/libmediainfo.so.0 : _ZN12MediaInfoLib7File_Mk13CRC32_ComputeERjPKhS3_
        0x7fba815b90e0 - /lib/libstdc++.so.6 : _ZTTSt19basic_ostringstreamIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEE

        Telemetry Dumper:
Pkilling 0x7fbab3961700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab355f700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab0d8b700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab123f700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab0587700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab1a90700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab0fc3700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba83c73700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba80b31700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba63dfe700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab3760700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba639fc700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba83f7b700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbabbe2b700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba63fff700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab0b8a700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbabd4de740 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fbab0788700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba80930700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba8052e700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba63bfd700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Pkilling 0x7fba637fb700 from 0x7fbab0989700
Entering thread summarizer pause from 0x7fbab0989700
Finished thread summarizer pause from 0x7fbab0989700.

Waiting for dumping threads to resume

        External Debugger Dump:
mono_gdb_render_native_backtraces not supported on this platform, unable to find gdb or lldb

        Basic Fault Address Reporting
Memory around native instruction pointer (0x7fba829262d9):0x7fba829262c9  05 ca 74 5c 00 66 90 48 83 c2 01 89 c7 c1 e8 08  ..t\.f.H........
0x7fba829262d9  40 32 7a ff 40 0f b6 ff 41 33 04 b8 48 39 ca 89  @2z.@...A3..H9..
0x7fba829262e9  06 75 e4 f3 c3 66 90 55 53 89 d5 48 89 f3 48 89  .u...f.US..H..H.
0x7fba829262f9  ca 4c 89 c1 48 83 ec 08 31 2e e8 c8 e8 d7 ff 31  .L..H...1......1

        Managed Stacktrace:
          at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo.MediaInfo:MediaInfo_Open_Buffer_Continue <0x000b5>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo.MediaInfo:Open <0x000f3>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo.VideoFileInfoReader:GetMediaInfo <0x00287>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.MediaInfo.VideoFileInfoReader:GetRunTime <0x00047>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.DetectSample:IsSample <0x00169>
          at <>c__DisplayClass13_0:<GetNonSampleVideoFileCount>b__0 <0x00048>
          at System.Linq.Enumerable:Count <0x000bc>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.ImportDecisionMaker:GetNonSampleVideoFileCount <0x001a3>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.ImportDecisionMaker:GetImportDecisions <0x001af>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.ImportDecisionMaker:GetImportDecisions <0x0005b>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesImportService:ProcessFile <0x0062c>
          at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesImportService:ProcessPath <0x00173>
          at NzbDrone.Core.Download.CompletedDownloadService:Import <0x000cd>
          at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadProcessingService:Execute <0x002bc>
          at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandExecutor:ExecuteCommand <0x001fd>
          at System.Object:CallSite.Target <0x00112>
          at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates:UpdateAndExecuteVoid3 <0x00686>
          at System.Object:CallSite.Target <0x00181>
          at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandExecutor:ExecuteCommands <0x0030f>
          at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context <0x000aa>
          at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal <0x00191>
          at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x00042>
          at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x00063>
          at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart <0x00042>
          at System.Object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ <0x00085>
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSonarr3] #

Description of issue: crash after start

Looks like it’s crashing while reading mediainfo from a file, very likely an incompatibility with that file and media info, you’ll have to look at upgrading mediainfo.

OK but which qnap package is related to mediainfo ? i check but i dont see any mediainfo package alone.Maybe it is embedded to another one.

It might be part of the Sonarr package, but that’s a third party package.

I am having the exact same issue as above, it looks like the current version of QMono is causing this - it is happening on both Sonarr 2 and Sonarr 3.

Is mediainfo even needed? I thought it was an optional component - would prefer to have the ability to disable it because I cant even open Sonarr right now.

How do we identify the file that is causing this @markus101?

It’s required for weeding out sample files (done via runtime).

Trace logs, since it’s crashing you may need to capture standard output and error trace logs to get the file name it last tried to get mediainfo from


Still having this issue. I tried to disable the files that seems to cause the exception but even with that, the problem remain wiith other files…

Sounds like an updated mediainfo is going to need to be installed, I think that’s shipped in the QSonarr package (not maintained by us), but the maintainer should be able to help with that.

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