Qnap Upgrading v3 to

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: QNAP 64bit *nix
Debug logs:
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here. Post in .txt not .doc, .rtf or some other formatted document)
Description of issue: On my Qnap I go to install the Qnap community v3 Everything installs and runs beautifully. No issues with the app or the install.

When I go to try to upgrade to through the apps install latest, it goes through the process and backs up, etc. and ends with saying upgraded waiting to restart. It never restarts. If I manually kill it and restart it, the update isn’t there, it is still

I have a request over at the Qnap community forum on that app, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to see if anyone knew about any issues with the system updater.

There are several people that have v3 and were updating continually. I am just wondering if maybe having such a big jump causes problems. Again, there is no error in the logs, just never restarts with the updated version.

Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas. v2 is working fine on this machine and another machine. So I am not in a bind or anything. Just wanted to take everyone’s advice and start switching to v3.

sometimes nas apps are like docker containers and while you can run the internal upgrade to get it to download the newer version it never installs properly. you have to install or upgrade the app itself to get a new version of the software inside.

presumably theres something in the app reboot sequence that causes issues with the internal installer upgrade. perhaps try to shut down the entire app, then start it, see if that helps the upgrade to kick in.

@rhom Thanks for your suggestion. I did restart the server, etc. Didn’t help.

Fortunately they updated the package for the Qnap. Hopefully that will work for a while.

I probably need to learn Docker. I tried it once before but felt it had a bit of a learning curve. I should try again. Thanks again.

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