Qnap can't update Sonarr?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): QMono
OS: QNAP V4.2.2
((Debug logs)): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5DwTr4zjoE9c3NZUDdqZ1pSYzQ
Description of issue: Can’t update.
I notice when I try to, it just fills up /dev/ram and stops there… so whatever its doing, its trying to do it there, and probably shouldn’t be, but no idea how to correct this, if that is the cause.
Anyone tell me how?

Sonarr needs enough space in the temporary directory to backup the existing files before upgrading, it looks like that is failing, the total filesize isnt very big (exact size can be checked on disk). If your temporary directory is too small Sonarr won’t be able to update itself.

Yeah I get that. But how to correct it?
From what I understand, I can’t alter the size of /dev/ram, but Sonarr shouldn’t actually be using that anyway. How can I alter the location Sonarr uses for temp/swap space?

Sonarr uses the system defined temp directory (usually defined by the TEMP environment variable), I’m not sure how that is defined on QNAP devices.

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