Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.3 (Stable Wed Mar 16 13:19:08 UTC 2016) OS: Mint 17.3 ((Debug logs)): (Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here) Description of issue:
When Sonarr grabs a torrent and adds it to Qbittorent it leave the “Category” option blank, which means it’s not being tagged correctly. I have “TV Shows” set as a category within the Qbittorrent settings, I even tried just ‘tv’ thinking it may have had an issue with the space, however it always gets added to qbittorent as unlabeled. I do have these categories already created within Qbittorent.
How do I get Sonarr to add a category/lable to the torrents it adds to qbittorent? Thanks!
I will have to wait until it happens again, for some reason after removing and re-adding qbittorent set up it labelled the next couple torrents correctly.
Was there ever a solution to this? This just started to happen to me. I disabled Qbittorrent and re-enabled it and it added the category on the next download but its back to not adding the category.
I turned on trace level for my logs. Will post after tonight’s shows. It’s hit or miss. I just tried to force a download and it added the category just fine. I had a show download earlier today around 2pm with DEBUG log level turned on it did not add the category and did not have anything useful in the log. Hoping trace level will help.
EDIT - Looked at the wrong log file and accidentally cleared it. Will post again after tonight’s activity.
Both the request to download and set the category are successful from Sonarr’s point of view.
I wonder if Qbit is failing to set the category because it is still downloading the magnet, but it tells Sonarr it’s successful (making it a Qbit issue if that’s the case).
@markus101 - That makes the most sense as the issue is very intermittent. From a sonarr perspective it looks successful every time in the logs. Maybe a future Qbitt update will resolve this. For now it’s not terribly bad as it is only 1 or 2 episodes here or there.