qBitorrent Directory option?

This is a another pretty cut and dry question about general functionality for Sonarr V3.

rTorrent has an option for setting the directory. “Optional location to put downloads in, leave blank to use the default rTorrent location” which I think is a really neat feature cus I like seperating my sonarr downloads to a separate folder.

I was going to switch to qBittorrent and I noticed there is no option to set the directory (or I’m just blind). Is this possible to do, or does the way QBT work not allow for this functionality?

Assuming you are talking about adding as a Download client from within Sonarr, and not within the *torrent app settings themselves?

When I go to add rTorrent client to my Sonarr, I don’t see the Directory setting you mentioned.
Sonarr version

Show advanced settings.


It appears to just be rTorrent, Transmission, and Vuze which have this setting available.

Oh derp. :crazy_face:

Then I’m assuming that setting is only supported by those particular clients, or only supported via API for those particular clients.

no need to set a directory - just use the categories - since you should be using those anyway

So I figured it out, Categories *(NOT LABELS) will make a separate folder and automatically put the files into those folders, so it just cuts out the middle man!

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