I’m curious to find out how the profiles should work. Right now I have selected HDTV, WEBDL and BLURAY all in 720p and 1080p as wanted quality. My cutoff is set at 1080p BluRay.
I expected Sonarr to download the best available quality, after the global delay has been passed and afterwards only download BluRay 1080p when it is released (since this is cutoff quality). I wouldn’t expect Sonarr to download every quality, that is higher then the current downloaded quality but isn’t set as cutoff. But it does…
In theory Sonarr could:
At first download HDTV 720p.
Then HDTV 1080p
Then WEBDL 720P
Then WEBDL 1080P
Then Bluray 720P
Then finally Bluray 1080P, after witch Sonarr should stop searching, because cutoff is met. This would mean though I’m wasting resources and bandwidth for downloading 4 qualities I don’t need/want.
Is this the way it is intended to work? If so, I might consider only selected 1080P WEBDL (to watch) and 1080P BLURAY (for Archive). Though I could miss some episodes this way.
The impression I get is that Sonarr would find the highest quality available. In your example, if HDTV 720p was the highest, it would go for that, but it’ll still periodically search for higher qualities. When it reaches your cutoff (Bluray 1080p) it stops searching altogether. So it MIGHT download it 6 times, depending on what is available when.
I’d love to find to be able to put it into two groups, the first one to have it and stop, then the “archive” quality set that just grabs blurry copies but tries has the cutoff of 1080p blurry.
@Mattus is correct, it will keep grabbing things as long as the cutoff hasn’t been met and its an upgrade to the existing quality.
With delay profiles you can have it delay the grabbing for X minutes to allow for better qualities to be posted, which should help limit the number of things that are downloaded.