I have recently setup Sonarr on my raspberry and am quite happy with it.
One question tho. Here is the context :
Profile used
Cutoff set to SDTV
This morning a match was found for one of my show with HDTV-720p quality. It was sent to Tranmission. While downloading that one a new match was found with SDTV quality and also sent to Transmission.
The SDTV one finished before the 720p therefore was imported and removed from Tranmission.
When finished the 720p was left in Transmission and in the watch folder.
Any way to consider the first quality available the cutoff to avoid downloading the same episode several times ?
I agree I wanted it that way. I’m fine with SDTV but some shows (not many but i can think of at least one) only are available starting with 480p. That is why I don’t only have SDTV in my list.
So i took the time to read the tooltips in the past few days including that one. I would prefer Sonarr to never update to a better quality, but i just have to select a few other qualities than SDTV to ensure to have an episode handy. Please also note that I have a poor bandwidth at home, that’s why.
You don’t, you have to swap your list around… If WEBDL-720p is the highest in the list, and sonarr can find a matching one, he will download that one. If it’s the cutoff quality it will stop looking for other releases all together.
You however set SDTV as the cutoff quality and it’s the highest in your list example, therefor Sonarr is going to find that one as you prefer it more when you order your list that way.
@dast, if you used sickbeard before you need to take a step back. Sonarr doesn’t have an ‘archive’ quality.
Sonarr will try to grab the best quality available, and it will continue to upgrade to better ones UNTIL the existing file is equal or higher than the cutoff.
So if you set cutoff at webdl, it means sonarr will stop upgrading as soon as it has any file, whether that be SDTV, HDTV, or WEBDL.
You also need to be clear on what you ‘most preferred’ quality is. If you bandwidth is limited then SDTV might be most preferred and WEBDL least. in which case you only have to change your cutoff to WEBDL.
Consider this mockup if it makes it more clear:
WEBDL is most wanted.
HDTV is acceptable, but will upgrade to WEBDL/Bluray if any of those is available.
Cutoff is at bluray, thus WEBDL & Bluray are considered ‘good enough’. Bluray won’t be upgrade to webdl even if available coz the cutoff has already been reached.
I understand I should for example set it that way :
SDTV <- cutoff
BUT as i told in my first post for that episode the first available release was 720p. As we are above the cutoff quality Sonarr would not download any SDTV after grabbing that 720p. However it would upgrade it to 1080p, therefore download in that example two releases while i’m trying to download as few as possible.
Maybe i told the story wrong : I would prefer to only have SDTV releases, but they don’t always show for some particular shows so I had SDTV highest in the list, then some other qualities. Maybe what I want to achieve is against the way Sonarr works, i just wanted to make sure.
I also could only put SDTV in my list and never be annoyed by other qualities and manually download some episodes but the idea behing using Sonarr was indeed to set and forget it.
If you prefer SDTV, then you should put that the highest in you preferred quality list, and make it the cutoff, I think that way Sonarr will only fetch non-SDTV rips when there is no other option
I tried that (first post) but it generated a second download because of my bandwidth ^^’
Anyway with the latest response from @Taloth I think I now get it.
I’ll try and set the list around a bit :
720p <-- Cutoff
That way any downloaded quality will be the last to be downloaded. I didn’t get that Sonarr wouldn’t upgrade past the cutoff if the cutoff was not one of the downloaded release.
I just have to pray that while downloading a 720p i wont have a 480p showing therefore launching a second grab ^^’
I’ll try that now and will let you know. At least 7 new episodes in a few hours so that’ll be a good test run.