Problem is installation

I am running with ubuntu 22.04

Thought I had posted this but I guess I didn’t. I had to re-install sonarr (system blew up). Anyway, I choose to use the option to install sonarr using the snap thing. So, I followed the direction from the Sonarr directions to do this using the command from that. After installation I tried to run sonarr and, apparently nothing was installed. The really strange thing is that I did a search for “sonarr” anyplace in my computer. I found 3 "sonarr"s and here they are (in a file named “System-info.txt”. The problem with that one is that it was a file carried over from 2022 so was not pertinent.

My problem is that I still need to re-install sonarr and want to make sure that I can just do that without fear of screwing something up. When I install again I am going to skip the snap thing and do it the old fashioned way.

I am also trying to install radar and having problems there. radar forum seems really screwed up and it also seems that there is a lot of stuff going on with their installation. Mine messed up and sometimes you both do the same things so, just wondering, what’s going on?


Just read there are problems with installing with snap. Here is one that suggests removing snap and reinstalling. Think I’m gonna go that route…

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