Prevent Sonarr updating content with the "Any" quality profile

Sonarr version
OS Windows 7:

I was surprised that a series was updated (by a worse quality as it happens) when it was configured with the “any” quality profile. I would have thought the series must have met the expected quality with this quality profile selected.

indeed to prevent Sonarr from updating content incorrectly but to alert to missing content i have set all series to the “any” quality profile.

have i misunderstood something?

my log level is info, so other than the interaction with my download client and the overwriting of the files, i cant find anything in logs to explain why sonarr decided to update this series.

FYI i dont store any quality information in the filename.


It seems you should review the docs - and at minimum the quickstart guide

why one would jump into a fairly complicated program without even looking at the docs amazes me

Sonarr is doing exactly what you’ve told it to do and is upgrading exactly as you’ve configured it.

also preferred words are always upgrades given the same quality and language

Lastly - given Windows 7 is not supported by Microsoft; Sonarr on Windows 7 is not supported as well. You will receive no support for issues with your out-of-date unsupported Operating System

thanks, The any quality profile was set to upgrade until “sdtv” (the lowest possible quality, i understand, except unknown).

none of my media has a quality below sdtv, i have re-imported the overwritten content from backup and sonarr identifies as sdtv (so its a reasonable assumption SDTV was the identified media quality previously)

I have no preferred words.

So i still dont understand even after reading up again on quality profiles why the media was upgraded. That said i have learnt something and have unticked “upgrade until” which might help, but i am still missing something, possibly obvious?

I get this if underlining software breaks Sonarr, but if a Issue is strictly Sonarr related then no matter what OS it’s installed on it should be supported. I’m running both Manjaro and ArcoLinuxB, but for those running Windows I can understand why they wouldn’t want to upgrade to to anything newer than 7. Personally I would do the upgrade to 11 because of possible security issues, but I won’t refuse to help those still running Win7.

Screenshot of the history for the episode and be sure to capture the (I) info modal for the events

ah history showed the issue…the original files were detected as russian…so i guess when english came along in the indexer sonarr saw it as better. thanks for pointers…looks like my understanding of how quality works is still intact.

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