Premiere and Finale icon colours

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Premiere and Finale Icon colours not uniform in calendar

In the calendar the background colour for the Premiere icon in the index is black but the background colour for the the Premiere icon is light blue for the premiere of the tv show listed in the calendar. Should the icon not be either black or light blue at each location?

Also, when you select the full colour events option, the background colours for the Premiere and Finale icons in the index and for the tv show listed in the calendar change from black and orange respectively to black. Should the icon background colours not remain the same after the full colour events option is selected? Do the icons change to black because light blue (if light blue is what the icon background should be) may not be very visible against the dark blue of the full colour event? The orange Finale colour would still be quite visible.

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