Preferred words ALWAYS upgrade?

Hi - I’m running Sonarr v4…

I have quite a few CF’s with preferred words that get used in my custom profile and I have upgrade turned off in that profile. Nothing is being upgraded… Which is what I want but then I read the below.

Preferred Words always upgrade a release even if the quality and/or language cutoff has been met. This includes if the Profile has Upgrades disabled.

Do I need to worry about my whole library being upgraded automatically or does the above statement only apply to specific situations? Does not seem clear in the wiki.



Preferred words is v3, Custom Formats is v4.

That is accurate in v3, in v4 you can set limits on the quality profile.

Thanks for the follow up, I misunderstood because v4 has “preferred words” listed under release title in custom formats. I now know this is probably just an example for v3 users that just moved to v4.



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