Pre-Release Testers Roll Call

Beuller… Beuller… (Lame Ferris Bueller Here)

Nah just kidding basically was just curious as to who here is a Pre-Release Tester and using the Develop Version. either for the latest and greatest fresh off the Trello Board checklist or to simply help bug and feature test

I am and i know mpsec is (I Think?)

Btw not sure if i should put this in the Pre-Release Feedback section or Off Topic so for now will just put in Off-Topic :slight_smile:

yup I live on the bleeding edge.

Ha Ha your a madman :slight_smile:

Seriously though glad to see i think the more testers the better it helps work out the kinks especially with a complete overhaul and re-design as done with V2

I run on blades that are bleeding on the edge =)

Have used the develop version since i changed to nzbdrone. Back in the early days of the drone. :wink:

Personally I use master, don’t want the bugs taking me down - totally kidding, I actually switch between develop and any feature branches I’m working on so I can test things before we toss it to the wolves (you release testers).

Mostly on develop though.

I find even with the bleeding edge version it is like 90-95% stable which is really a testament to you markus101 and kayone as well as all the pre-testers that discover new bugs for you to fix so it really comes down to if you don’t mind making the occasional trello board request or the occasional forum post about something then stick with Master otherwise use the develop and get all the shiny new stuff that the majority of it works

@protocol77 thanks for the compliment, not to say that it won’t happen but at this point it would actually be pretty hard for a broken build to make it into release.

take a look at this screenshot

for a built to make it to pre-release it has to go through all those 8 steps, which includes running over 2000 tests on both windows and linux. these tests pretty much cover every feature in Drone, small and big and make sure everything works the way it was designed to.
anytime we find a bug of one gets reported we try to write a test that exposes the bug, and then we fix it, in most cases this guarantees that a bug that is fixed once is not coming back.

stuff like this is what keeps us programmers from going crazy and pull all our hair out. :wink:

I would be willing to test the new releases. I have prior experience in programming and would be able to help with any bugs that might sneak in.

Just follow the steps here:

Is there any way to test theese releases on Windows? I long for movie support!
I have a descent library, approx 5TB with movies and TV shows. Needless to say CouchPotato is struggling with 370+ movies…

All releases to develop are built and released for Windows as long as all the tests pass. Right now movies are not incorporated in these builds yet, when they are, expect an announcement on the forums/twitter.

any news about this fetaure?

@hotsauce1981 et all, no news, we’ll provide an announcement when its ready.