If you currently manually search for “Supernatural - 9x19 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann”
You’ll see that there is a result called “Sn.S09E19.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION”
When this is downloaded the filename is “Sn.S09E19.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv”
NzbDrone does not pick this up as Supernatural, until I manually rename the file.
Is there a way to tell NzbDrone that SN means Supernatural?
It is possible, but SN is too generic to be used as an alternate name, so it can’t be added.
Then is it possible to not download (or not favor) versions that will result in too generic names?
Not if the indexer returns it as being part of that series (via tvrage id). Drone will use the name first, but fall back to tvrage ID (better to get the file and deal with the import later, instead of not getting the file at all). On import only the filename is available to be used.
Manually morning from the UI is being added though: https://trello.com/c/kr7Jonk4/304-manually-override-drone-factory-imports