Poster Options resetting to default after some time

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 11
Browser: Chrome
Description of issue:

When choosing Poster Options in the main Series section, those options get applied properly but they’re not saved in the long-term, so when I return at a later time they’re back to the default.

I haven’t established how long it takes for them to reset, because if I close the tab in Chrome and open it within a minute or so the options are still in place. Clearing the browser data definitely resets them.

I don’t know if this is intended behavior or a bug, hence my post here. If it is confirmed to be a bug, I can open an issue in GitHub.

Display options are saved in browser storage. If you clear it, or an extension does when closing tabs or the browser, they are reset…

Then the question is whether those options should be browser specific or sonarr settings. For me, poster options are not necessarily just display options so I’d say the latter, but that’s just my view. It is worth making a feature request in that case?

It’s always been like that, and my personal opinion is that it’s fine that these are browser specific settings, in the sense that I open sonarr on multiple devices where I don’t want to see the same info/view. Like 4K monitor vs phone.
It’d be a hassle to have to change it back and forth all the time. Just don’t clear the browser cache that aggressively? :grin:

Maybe one of the devs can weigh in with their point of view.

As a enduser I don’t mind that Sonarr and the rest of the arr’s interfaces are in the browser, but rather I’m in Arch, Garuda, or ReBorn and regardless of what browser I’m in I want to know that my data is stored in the OS including any and all settings and not subject to what I do in or to the browser. I’m a firm believer that one should clear out all browser data on exit, and every so often while browsing.

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This sums it up nicely, different devices have different viewing needs and we’re not going to have different “profiles” to support those so storing them at the device level is what we chose to do.

It doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s not something we plan to change at this time.

Even when using different devices, it would be nice to be able to change and save our default view so that we have an updated base view that works in at least one of our devices. Having several profiles sounds like a nice to have but not entirely necessary.