Is there a way to shorten the list of every language as shown in this example file name? And not have them appear between the EAC3 and 5.1?
The Boys s02e04 - Nothing Like It in the World (WEBDL-720p h264 EAC3 [EN+DE+MS+DA+ES+FR+ID+IT+NL+NB+PL+PT+FI+SV+TR+RU+HE+AR+HI+TA+TE+TH+ZH+JA+KO] 5.1).mkv
For instance, this would be the perfect way to indicate sub titles. I don’t need to know every language the file contains.
The Boys s02e04 - Nothing Like It in the World (WEBDL-720p h264 EAC3 5.1 subs).mkv
This is the format I’m currently using:
{Series Title} s{season:00}e{episode:00} - {Episode Title} ({Quality Title} {MediaInfo Full} {MediaInfo AudioChannels})
Additionally, limiting the languages that are included within the file would be idea.