Please shorten the mile long language list in file name

Is there a way to shorten the list of every language as shown in this example file name? And not have them appear between the EAC3 and 5.1?

The Boys s02e04 - Nothing Like It in the World (WEBDL-720p h264 EAC3 [EN+DE+MS+DA+ES+FR+ID+IT+NL+NB+PL+PT+FI+SV+TR+RU+HE+AR+HI+TA+TE+TH+ZH+JA+KO] 5.1).mkv

For instance, this would be the perfect way to indicate sub titles. I don’t need to know every language the file contains.
The Boys s02e04 - Nothing Like It in the World (WEBDL-720p h264 EAC3 5.1 subs).mkv

This is the format I’m currently using:
{Series Title} s{season:00}e{episode:00} - {Episode Title} ({Quality Title} {MediaInfo Full} {MediaInfo AudioChannels})

Additionally, limiting the languages that are included within the file would be idea.

There was a pull request a while ago:

Thanks for quick reply and the link.

Looks like a feature was added on Feb 11th and deleted on the 14th. Does this mean it’s a dead issue since there’s been nothing more 7 months later?

If you mean the branch to develop the feature was removed? That is normal once the code from there is merged into the phantom branch.

Yes that is what I was referring to as shown here:
Taloth merged commit b601c8b into phantom-develop on Feb 11
Taloth deleted the phantom-language-format-filter branch on Feb 14

Thanks for clarifying!

Is there a target date for stable v3 release?

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