Permissions issue? System.IO.IOException: Permission denied

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): MacOS - I don’t think I needed Mono?
OS: Monterrey 12.6
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

Sonarr can’t pull the files out of my completed NZB directory and rename / place in the correct TV show directory like it used to.

This is admittedly a Sonarr problem that’s likely a symptom of a bigger issue. I have a Plex server with 2 external media drives. On one I can do normal file and folder deletions, on the other it asks for a password. every. single. time. And at some point recently SABnzbd stopped downloading to it.

So I went about messing with stuff, went to Sharing and Permissions (Get Info), and tried ticking Ignore Ownership on this Volume, and when that did nothing, I did something in retrospect is boneheaded. I saw this “Staff” group and thought “hey, I don’t need that”. So I removed it… and it didn’t help. If I go to a random file elsewhere on the computer, the Staff group is still there. I can’t seem to re-add “Staff” to this drive via the Sharing and Permissions / Get Info interface.

I restored from my backup on a separate Mac (after reformatting the drive to APFS), thinking this will alleviate the permissions issues. I stuck it back on the main Mac and it still shows Staff as missing! And now SABnzbd can download to it, but Sonarr can’t pull the files out of my completed NZB directory and rename / place in the correct TV show directory like it used to. As I recall, I backed up this media drive one last time before wiping it to restore again, I suppose I backed up the wonky permissions as well, which got passed on in the restore even when done on a 2nd Mac?

I checked the Sonarr logs, and it shows shows this “System.IO.IOException: Permission denied” error. The logfile I’ve included one complete cycle of messages for a single, example episode (stuff before and after in the log file this are for different TV episode download attempts with similar errors, so I am assuming that’s ok; apologies if not and I will correct, I just wanted to anonymize some filenames and my user ID and didn’t want to have to do this for every episode listed.

I ran ls -l on both drives and the output look different: (Good drive) (Bad drive)

Note that on the “bad drive”, there are a couple of Time Machine network backup files. I am not using this drive as a TM backup, but it looks like at some point (reasons forgotten in the mists of time) I stuck them here as backup to my backup (probably temporarily while I reformatted my TM drive). But could their presence be mucking things up?

I’m a command line dumb dumb but am dangerous enough to Google stuff, and sometimes I even ask for help from smarter people. I tried this command as recommended by someone but it didn’t seem to do anything to (I guess?) reconnect the Staff group to my user in the root of the afflicted drive:
sudo chown -R myuserid:staff /Volumes/Plex\ Media\ 2

So… I know this likely is not a Sonarr issue… but I beg of you, Kind Internet Stranger, if you have any ideas of what to do, I would be eternally grateful to your social media virtual life-form presence!

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