"Perfection" meter

“Perfection” of a tv series = having every episode, in the maximum quality specified for that series.

For example, if I specify Game of Thrones (3 seasons x 10 episodes each, that’s 30 episodes and say I have 25 episodes on disk) -AND- if my quality setting is HD-All (every one of the 10 quality settings from SD-TV to BlurRay-1080p), then “100% perfection” means I have all 25 episodes on disk at BluRay-1080p quality. If a few are lower quality, then the 100% goes down to a lower number.


  1. Assign a weighting value to each quality in the series’ quality profile, for example:
    6=Bluray-1080p … so “6” equals the “perfect” quality in this example.

  2. Calculate perfection rating:
    ( (# of episodes at quality1)*1 + (# of episodes at quality2)*2 + … + (# of episodes at quality6)*6 ) / (total # of episodes on disk * 6) * 100

  3. Either display the number (it is a percentage so 100% = perfection) or some sort of graphical represention, next to each series on the home page and at the top of each series page, so you know at a glance how close to “perfection” you are, ie you know if you still need to find some better quality episodes to achieve the quality level you’ve specified.

A similar feature is already part of the develop branch: https://trello.com/c/klC1bFrE/348-re-purpose-missing-page

Determining perfection is not a light task since every episode file needs to be retrieved from the Database and processed, which takes seconds and grows depending on the number of files. It might not seem like a long time, but it is when you’re waiting for it to load or change pages.

For this purpose we’ll let you the user decide the perfection based on what does and doesn’t meet the cutoff.