Ok, I realize that this path really is too long, but I’m not sure what to do for a situation like this:
14-5-15 14:40:46.2|Debug|EpisodeFileMovingService|Moving [/volume1/media/Videos/Download/complete/Phineas.And.Ferb.S01E08-E31.PDTV.XviD-OTV/phineas.and.ferb.s01e08-e31.pdtv.xvid-otv.avi] > [/volume1/media/Videos/DVR/Phineas and Ferb/Phineas and Ferb S01E08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31 I, Brobot + Run Away Runway + The Magnificent Few + S’Winter + Jerk de Soleil + Are You My Mummy + Ready for the Bettys + I Scream, You Scream + Toy to the World + Get That Bigfoot Outta My Face + It’s a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World + Mom’s Birthday + Journey to the Center of Candace + It’s About Time! (Part 1 & 2) + Dude, We’re Gettin’ the Band Back Together! (Part 1 & 2) + Tree to Get Ready + The Ballad of Badbeard + Greece Lightning + Leave the Busting to Us + Crack That Whip + The Best Lazy Day Ever + Boyfriend from 27,000 B.C + Voyage to the Bottom of Buford + A Hard Day’s Knight.avi]
14-5-15 14:40:46.2|Warn|ImportApprovedEpisodes|Couldn’t import episode /volume1/media/Videos/Download/complete/Phineas.And.Ferb.S01E08-E31.PDTV.XviD-OTV/phineas.and.ferb.s01e08-e31.pdtv.xvid-otv.avi
System.IO.PathTooLongException: Path is too long. Path:
at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) [0x00000] in :0
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskProviderBase.MoveFile (System.String source, System.String destination) [0x00000] in :0
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFileMovingService.MoveFile (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile episodeFile, NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Series series, System.Collections.Generic.List1 episodes, System.String destinationFilename) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFileMovingService.MoveEpisodeFile (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile episodeFile, NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.LocalEpisode localEpisode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.UpgradeMediaFileService.UpgradeEpisodeFile (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile episodeFile, NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.LocalEpisode localEpisode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.ImportApprovedEpisodes.Import (System.Collections.Generic.List
1 decisions, Boolean newDownload) [0x00000] in :0