So, like i warned, i am the perfect candidate to find bugs and usability shortfalls because of the sheer size of my libraries.
I am now at TV Shows 12 folder importing and sonarr crashed. The service stopped completely. After restarting it, i looked at the logs and i got the following:
SeriesModule failed while processing [EpisodeImportedEvent]: out of memory
out of memory
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): out of memory
out of memory
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset(SQLiteStatement stmt)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step(SQLiteStatement stmt)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult()
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(SQLiteCommand cmd, CommandBehavior behave)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Find[T](String sql, T ent) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:line 487
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Find[T](String sql) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:line 462
at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsRepository.SeriesStatistics(Int32 seriesId) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsRepository.cs:line 52
at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsService.SeriesStatistics(Int32 seriesId) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsService.cs:line 27
at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.FetchAndLinkSeriesStatistics(SeriesResource resource) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:line 144
at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.GetSeriesResource(Series series) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:line 91
at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.GetSeries(Int32 id) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:line 81
at NzbDrone.Api.NzbDroneRestModuleWithSignalR`2.BroadcastResourceChange(ModelAction action, Int32 id) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Api\NzbDroneRestModuleWithSignalR.cs:line 38
at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.Handle(EpisodeImportedEvent message) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:line 186
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events.EventAggregator.PublishEvent[TEvent](TEvent event) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Events\EventAggregator.cs:line 56
FYI This is running on a Windows 7 64-bit, Core i5, 8GB of RAM
Before it happened, i got a bunch of errors about the database being locked. They were thrown by the EpisodeService and MetadataFileService.
Now i have shows where it is telling me i am missing an episode but the file is there. Obviously it crashed while scanning. Because of this, i have a flurry of questions:
- Will that be rectified in 12 hours once it refreshes?
- Will it refresh all shows or only continuing ones and the ended ones will be refreshed in 30 days?
- When it refreshes, will it set the video dates to the Local Air Date if setting is enabled? (Amazing feature BTW! I asked for this in 3 other products only to be denied!)
So far i am loving sonarr and am almost done importing shows. Just need that fix for series not found pushed to dev
Keep up the awesome work!
P.S. here is the log file. Few errors here and there but major problems start at 11:39pm.