OS X Auto-Updating fails

So I’ve been using Sonarr for about 2 months now after switching from SickBeard and I’ve run across the problem that Auto-Update…doesn’t Auto-Update. I’m always forced to download the latest version from the website.

OS X Yosemite 10.10.3

Update Logfile:

15-6-8 15:40:51.5|Info|UpdateApp|Starting Sonarr Update Client
15-6-8 15:40:51.8|Info|UpdateApp|Updating Sonarr to version
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp|NzbDrone process ID: 1792
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp|Arguments:
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp| 1792
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp| /var/folders/f2/2_36w2rx7l56dnk_hg0jkg0r0000gn/T/nzbdrone_update
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp| /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp|Using executing application: /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|UpdateApp|Executable location: /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Info|UpdateApp|Starting update process. Target Path:/Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Info|InstallUpdateService|Verifying requirements before update…
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Debug|ProcessProvider|Finding process with Id:1792
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Warn|ProcessProvider|Unable to find process with ID 1792
15-6-8 15:40:51.9|Fatal|UpdateApp|An error has occurred while applying update package.

System.ArgumentException: Process with ID doesn’t exist 1792
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateEngine.InstallUpdateService.Verify (System.String targetFolder, Int32 processId) [0x000c3] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateEngine\InstallUpdateService.cs:72
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateEngine.InstallUpdateService.Start (System.String installationFolder, Int32 processId) [0x00000] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateEngine\InstallUpdateService.cs:76
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateApp.Start (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateApp.cs:59
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateApp.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00042] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateApp.cs:43

It appears to me that Sonarr thinks its process ID is 1792 but when it comes time to kill it and restart it can’t find 1792.

I just went in to Terminal and did ps -A and found
" 1792 ?? 89:32.92 mono --debug /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe

Is there something I’m missing or not doing to get the auto-update to work right?

So the search function was no help, it wasn’t until I just kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling that I came across this post that I found out one needed to downgrade to Mono 3.10.x I went with and now Sonarr is successfully updating itself without any additional help from me…