NZBs not found (3 indexers)

I switched from Sickbeard this weekend and I’m having a very tough time getting searching to work. I’m not sure if it’s an indexer problem, configuration, or bug. Please help.

As an example I added an Anime “Log Horizon” to Sonarr. All files were shown as missing, none were queued.

I set logging to “debug”, cleared the log, and did a manual search, followed by an automatic search. Neither found any files, this is the log file:

15-6-8 01:26:18.9|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 3 indexers for [Log Horizon : 02]
15-6-8 01:26:18.9|Debug|NzbSearchService|Total of 0 reports were found for [Log Horizon : 02] from 3 indexers
15-6-8 01:26:18.9|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|No results found
15-6-8 01:26:22.3|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 3 indexers for [Log Horizon : 02]
15-6-8 01:26:22.3|Debug|NzbSearchService|Total of 0 reports were found for [Log Horizon : 02] from 3 indexers
15-6-8 01:26:22.3|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|No results found
15-6-8 01:26:22.3|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 0 reports downloaded.

I have dog, nzbgeek, and all configured (and even finding some other files).
I tested a manual hit of the nzbgeek API:,5040&extended=1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100&q=Log+Horizon+02

<rss xmlns:atom="" xmlns:newznab="" version="2.0">
<atom:link href=",5040&extended=1&apikey=<removed>&offset=0&limit=100&q=Log+Horizon+02" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<description>NZBgeek API</description>
<webMaster> (NZBgeek)</webMaster>
<newznab:response offset="0" total="101"/>
<guid isPermaLink="true">
<pubDate>Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:49:30 +0000</pubDate>
<category>TV > HD</category>
<enclosure url="" length="401260020" type="application/x-nzb"/>
<newznab:attr name="category" value="5000"/>
<newznab:attr name="category" value="5040"/>
<newznab:attr name="size" value="401260020"/>
<newznab:attr name="guid" value="6e5de5de7a94440369a36174285fb50f"/>
<newznab:attr name="season" value="S02"/>
<newznab:attr name="episode" value="E25"/>
<newznab:attr name="rageid" value="38112"/>
<newznab:attr name="tvairdate" value="2015-03-28"/>
<newznab:attr name="tvdbid" value="272128"/>
<newznab:attr name="files" value="31"/>
<newznab:attr name="poster" value="Bob"/>
<newznab:attr name="grabs" value="15"/>
<newznab:attr name="comments" value="0"/>
<newznab:attr name="password" value="0"/>
<newznab:attr name="usenetdate" value="Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:45:11 +0000"/>
<newznab:attr name="group" value="alt.binaries.multimedia"/>
<newznab:attr name="thumbsup" value="0"/>
<newznab:attr name="thumbsdown" value="0"/>
<newznab:attr name="reportedspam" value="0"/>
<newznab:attr name="reportedpassword" value="0"/>
<newznab:attr name="geekupload" value="0"/>


What am I missing here? Why can I find this episode on multiple configured indexers, hit the API and see a response, and yet get nothing from a manual or automatic search?

PS. This is running on Ubuntu LTS if that matters.

Did you set the series as anime?
Did you set the anime categories?

That URL you posted looks like something that was hand built, its using the standard/daily show categories but searching with an absolute number.

I had set it to Anime, though I just deleted and added it as Standard and it’s finding some of the files (not all but many).

Now I’m really confused. I’ll look around for a setting for anime categories, is that documented somewhere you’r aware of? Also, any clue why simply changing to “standard” didn’t do anything but deleting and re-adding found some?

I believe I’ve found the categories, it’s an advanced setting in each of the indexers. I see that two categories are set by default an Anime is empty by default.

I’ve never set these before in Sickbeard. Can someone tell me where I find how to configure these?
I’m not clear what I should be putting as the category in each of these indexers.

Edit: Poking around it looks like “5070” might be the standard Anime category.
Do I simply need to add that to all 3 of my indexers and be sure to set my Anime to the correct category?
Will I need to re-search or remove and add to get the files to search again?