NZBGet doesn't notifiy Sonarr,

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.2 (Stable Sun Jan 31 11:58:08 UTC 2016)
OS: unraid docker container
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce): I have sonarr search for files and add it to nzbget. But after nzbget downloads the file, I don’t see sonarr detecting it, and nothing changes in logs, such as downloaded, etc.

I didn’t put any postprocess in nzbget, as I believe this is not necessary.

Since Sonarr doesn’t import the files, the files stays in the default download folder of nzbget.

Correct, not required.

Sonarr uses NZBget’s API too find out where the completed files are, if Sonarr can’t see the path that NZBget reports (permissions, doesn’t exist in the docker container, etc) then importing won’t work.

Check that:

  • Completed Download Handling is available in Sonarr
  • The downloads show in Sonarr’s Queue
  • The reason they aren’t importing (hover over the icon on the left)
  • Fix any path access issues, either via permissions, Remote Path Mapping, or using the same paths for Sonarr and NZBget (where NZBget puts the files and where Sonarr picks them up from, keep sorted files separate)

Completed Download Handling is enabled.
Downloads show as grabbed in Sonarr’s Queue.
It actually gets passed on to nzbget, and gets downloaded.
I didn’t select any post process script in nzbget except for removing samples.

Nzbget downloads get left in an unraid share named /downloads in the cache drive.

Sonarr has media files stored in /media/TV, wherein /media= /mnt/user/Media (unraid docker setup- for those knowledgeable)

It’s supposed to be monitored by Sonarr and moved to the /mnt/user/Media where Kodi is watching.

Thanks, turned out the nzbget /download is not declared in sonarr’s /download (watched folder)

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