NZBGeek API Key Invalid even with DotNET 4.5.2 or 4.5.3 Installed *****RESOLVED*****

First of all, I want to say thank you for a super nice program. I set Sonarr up on September 19th 2015 and up until about 3 days ago, it has worked flawlessly. I noticed 3 days ago that it wasn’t pulling anything from NZBGeek, so I opened the indexers and tested the connection. It failed with “API Key Invalid”. I did some quick internet searching and found out that this was due to dotNET 4.5… So I checked my version. I was already at 4.5.2. I went and downloaded the preview of 4.6 and installed that. I got the same error. I completely removed all of dotNET 4 and above and reinstalled it. I get the same error. If I just have dotNET 4.0 installed I get the unable to connect error after a timeout. As soon as I reinstall dotNET 4.5.2+, it instantly gives the API Key Invalid error. I have even generated a new API on NZBGeek and got the same results.

I am running server 2008 r2 standard. I am at my wits end on this one… Any suggestions?

Here is what I have done so far:

  1. uninstalled and reinstalled dotNET 4.0, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, and 4.6
  2. regenerated new API Key on NZBGeek
  3. Uninstalled and reinstalled Sonarr
  4. Stopped and Started the Sonarr service a Gabillion times
  5. Said a few choice words and walked away for a while
  6. Came in here and let my first post be a doozy :smile:

Here is what the log says about the connection try:

15-9-30 14:31:59.2|Warn|Newznab|Indexer returned result for RSS URL, API Key appears to be invalid
15-9-30 14:31:59.3|Warn|NzbDroneErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– Invalid API Key

The reason .net 4.5 is required is for SSL, it doesn’t affect the API key.

If the nzbgeek server is returning an invalid API key response there are a limited number of reasons (off the top of my head):

  1. The API Key is wrong
  2. They are incorrectly telling Sonarr the API key is wrong
  3. The wrong API URL is being used (at one point they had two different API URLs, which I believe were entirely separate sites)
  4. The API key being sent is truncated and ends up being wrong

If you put the same URL In your browser (one that hasn’t logged into the site to ensure its not using cookie based authentication) that Sonarr used (you can get the exact URL from debug logs), does it work? (make sure you put the proper API Key in since Sonarr strips it out when its logging it).

Thank you for the quick reply Markus101. I have enabled debug logging and tried it again. I copied the URL out of the log and replaced the removed API Key and tried to go to the URL. Here is the message I got. I have contacted NZBGeek support to see if they can get this remedied.

error code=“100” description=“Account Flagged, please contact

After they fix this on their end, I will try again and report the results.

Thank you again!!!

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This issue is resolved. I was getting the error message of “API Key Invalid” because my account with NZBGeek was flagged for some reason. NZBGeek support unflagged my account and it is now working again.

Thanks for your help Markus101. If I hadn’t done what you suggested with the API url, I would have not known my account was flagged.

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