NzbDrone Xtender v2

“search modal within NZBDrone”

Sorry don’t really know what you want a screenshot of…
Here’s a couple. Trying to get Under the Dome, Season 2 Episode 1

Line 112 of the code
else {
xSeries = (document.title).replace(/(.) - NzbDrone/, ‘$1’);
should now with the latest version be:
else {
xSeries = (document.title).replace(/(.
) - nzbdrone/, ‘$1’);

nice mate. I will check it out :smile:

Thanks for the heads up!

all fixed and submited to chrome store. The extension should auto update in the next hour or so.

Any updates coming to support the name change.

Yup, as soon as the new name is changed in the app itself, I will be updating the Chrome extension.

It has been in develop for a few days. Right now we use sonarr in the title, but we will likely change that to Sonarr. What can we do to eliminate issues if/when we change the title. Happy to make life easier and enable searching via this extension on other places you can use manual search (calendar, missing, etc), where the document title is not the series title.

More than happy to add a hidden field with the title or something like that to make it more reliable.

Something like:
<span class=".x-series-title">Series Title</span>

The example you provided would be perfect.
I also just updated the extension to v3.0.0 to accomidate/fix the new window title “Sonarr”.

Thanks @markus101

Awesome, I have just pushed this change to develop.

Added “Popcorn Cab” to the search providers.