NZBDrone Error on Launch

v2 of the software was working perfectly fine for me, but I’m suddenly getting this error when I try to run any of the applications. I’ve tried restarting my computer as that’s the only thing I can do at this point with no luck.

[Info] AppMain: Starting NzbDrone Console. Version
[Fatal] AppMain: Epic Fail Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Re
trieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the
requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at NzbDrone.Common.Composition.ContainerBuilderBase…ctor(String[] assemblies
) in m:\buildAgent2_work\bc9a5cca09497250\zbDrone.Common\Composition\ContainerB
uilderBase.cs:line 24
at NzbDrone.MainAppContainerBuilder…ctor(String[] args) in m:\buildAgent2_wo
rk\bc9a5cca09497250\zbDrone\MainAppContainerBuilder.cs:line 19
at NzbDrone.AppMain.Main(String[] args) in m:\buildAgent2_work\bc9a5cca094972
50\zbDrone\AppMain.cs:line 48

Something similar happened to me sometime in the last few days. The NZBD service wasn’t running and couldn’t be started. I attempted to start the service EXE by hand, but was greeted with an EPIC Fail message, with complaints about missing assemblies. I didn’t have time to dig into it, but I assumed that an auto-update had failed in some spectacular manner. I simply downloaded the latest build from GitHub, overlayed my installation, and restarted the service. So far, so good.


Yeah, it was a failed update that slipped through the cracks, we’ll be working on some things to prevent that in the future.

You can grab the latest build from and apply it over top of your existing install and it will fix the issue.

Here is the announcement regarding the issue:

Thank you so much.

Seems like something very similar happened again near the end of November. Just as before (above), the NZBD service was stopped, couldn’t be restarted, and the logs were full of assembly errors. I attempted to overlay the latest build from the web but that process continually failed until I realized the current config.xml file was corrupted beyond repair. I moved it out of the way and then the installation completed successfully.

So, I guess an auto-update must have failed again and crippled the system. Interestingly, I didn’t find any mention of others having the problem in the late-November time frame. Anyway, all is working as expected now.


It wasn’t anything to do with an automatic update, occasionally (for unknown reasons) the config.xml file becomes corrupted and needs to be deleted. We do not do this automatically to avoid opening drone on its default port and unsecured to the world.

Thanks Markus.