It looks like Omgwtfnzbs is currently having problems and not working. Fanzub is dead. Wombles supports new releases but not backlog search.
Does anyone know any other good supported indexers that can be used with Sonarr?
It looks like Omgwtfnzbs is currently having problems and not working. Fanzub is dead. Wombles supports new releases but not backlog search.
Does anyone know any other good supported indexers that can be used with Sonarr?
Thanks for the big list. Any supported/recommended by Sonarr and have backlog search?
Am using OMG, nzbfinder, usenet-crawler and oznzb. I do not have any problems getting tv shows with them, movies on the other hand is a bit tough…people are suggesting NZBGEEK, is it that good ? i do not want fakes especially in movies with CP
TV Shows hardly get any fakes post
Hi, looks like OMG is back, but, thanks for the post I will check them out
yeah don’t get excited, it is online but with no content. No results are appear on any search
ah ok
tried NZBgeek, i got a fake on the first hour of try. Still OMG is the best one for movies
btw, OMG is full back now with content
Good news! What do you find the best for your backup TV indexer?
First one is the usener-crawler and then omg for tv shows, crawler has served me very well
Great, thanks
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