Sonarr version Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Description of issue: Recently Jeopardy is no longer being found on KAT but when I manually search there are episodes up. The format of the titles are Jeopardy 4.26.2016.ts. I’ve told it search unverified torrents and still nothing.
I understand it’s missing a lot of information but since it has the name and date shouldn’t it be grabbed with an unknown quality
Pretty much the same response that I gave you on Github.
Those are poorly named releases that do not include a quality or the date in a structure that is useful to Sonarr. The date needs to be in the format 2016.04.26. The problem with the format used for those releases is it differs depending on the area of the world, these are clearly, but when the month and day are below 12 its ambiguous.
It looks like it gets parsed as HDTV-720p for the quality because of the awkward naming of .ts