I have tried downloading some Danish series, i have created new profiles sorting on Danish language etc. I have added the correct category also 5020,5030,5040.
Im able to find the series but the search does not provide any results, when i search the indexer i can find the content.
I have tried debugging the the search but im not able to find the actual query on the API - just to double check …
I have tested series without danish international characters just to make sure it was not that issue.
I have 1 series im able to download from category 5020 so its not everything not working…
Please need some help here… Dont want to manual download the content…
Do the releases show up in category 5020 on your indexer?
Does Sonarr have a tvrage ID for this series? (you can check this on the series details page, if the there is a link to tvrage with the links to trakt/tvdb then it has one).
Does your indexer map to the correct tvrage ID? (required if Sonarr has the ID)
Turn on debug logging and you’ll see the full URL (minus the API key) for the call to the indexer.
But it doesn’t look like the indexers do (none of the ones I checked do, nor does it sound like yours do). At this point, searching won’t be possible, but these releases should be picked up via the normal RSS Syncing process that happens every 15 minutes by default.